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What is InBody and how does it work?


The InBody body composition analyser measures your body and provides a detailed, yet easy to understand report. On your results sheet, you will see how many kilograms of fat and muscle is on your body and where it is located. By monitoring these metrics over time, you can pinpoint the changes needed in your diet and exercise to achieve your goals. We can help you achieve your results at GM nutrition with our in gym scanning machine available at Get Motivated Health & Fitness in Chevron Island Gold Coast or can come to you!


  • A small example of the metrics found on a InBody results sheet:

  • Total skeletal muscle mass

  • Total body fat in kilograms

  • Total body fat percentage

  • Visceral fat

  • Total body water

  • Segmental muscle and fat analysis

  • Bone mineral content

  • Basal metabolic rate

  • Plus much more…

Body Scanning

What is BIA?

Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was discovered in the early 1960s. BIA is a method of measuring body composition. A small alternating current is sent through the body which measures the different resistance of the make up of the body. For example, body fat compared to body water (such as blood) has a much weaker conductivity, which equals relatively high impedance.

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How InBody has revolutionised BIA technology by not using age and gender to make assumptions about a person’s body composition.

What are these assumptions?

Inputted Data such as age, gender and body type are used by some devices to overcome poor accuracy and reproducibility in measuring a person’s body composition. These assumptions may go unnoticed when scanning an ‘average’ person, but in the case of someone outside the norm, the results produced may show huge discrepancies. This method should not be relied on for a precise measurement.

Muscle fat analysis table

Simply, locate the muscle fat analysis table on your InBody results sheet. Generally located towards the top part of your results sheet. From this we want to look at what your results mean.

The muscle and fat analysis component of the InBody test is an effective and quick indicator of your scans overall results. It will create a generalised shape which is a good marker to determine your overall body composition balance. The three predominant shapes are C, I and D and form a “Traffic light system”.

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